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Migrating from bare Metal Machines to AWS ECS Sebastian Struß

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Docker – Warum die Zukunft im Container stattfindet Marc Müller

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TensorFlow Training on the JVM Christoph Henkelmann

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The State of React’s State in 2019 Lenz Weber

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Schrittweise Migration Robin Sedlaczek

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How do Chess Engines work Oliver Zeigermann

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Yes zu NoSQL mit MongoDB Gregor Biswanger

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In 5 Jahren wird es keine Tester mehr geben Nils Langner

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Das Gehirn eine Gebrauchsanleitung Dr. Jens Bendisposto

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Dieselben ViewModels in WPF und UWP verwenden Thomas C. Huber

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September Event 2019 Apple Keynote

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Model Understanding and Business Reality TensorFlow Extended

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Palo Alto Networks and Arista Networks CEOs Reveal Secrets to a Successful Cloud Journey

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Martin Short The Fear and Fun of SNL

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Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone Screen Tests | W Magazine

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Zero To GraphQL In 30 Minutes Coding Tech

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Expert predicts 25 precent of colleges will fail in the next 20 years CBS This Morning

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Volkswagen geht mit ID.3 ins Elektro-Zeitalter Voll ins Risiko