tHLnPjFbIVA play

Webinar The Power Of Automation Accelerate Your Science For Digital Transformation Enthought

c_qiaeGJdnU play

Scaling Your Python Interactive Applications With Jupyter SciPy Japan 2019 Luciano Resende

8HnvYTvjDXM play

Transforming Code Into Scientific Contributions SciPy Japan 2019 Fabien Benureau

K_fFHt6Y7ds play

CuPy SciPy 2019 Masayuki Takagi

cYugp9IN1-Q play

Advanced NumPy SciPy Japan 2019 Tutorial Juan Nunuz-Iglesias

jM9i6vqtbfw play

Reproducibility And Deployment SciPy Stack SciPy Japan 2019 Didrik Pinte

lm-p4pCxrD0 play

Zero To Machine Learning In 4 Minutes With Python Tiny Tutorial

ZB7BZMhfPgk play

Numerical Computing With NumPy SciPy 2019 Tutorial Alex Chabot-Leclerc

I5r3yxaQ95M play

Optimizing Python Based Spectroscopic Data Processing On NERSC Supercomputers SciPy 2019

AazI1qx67qc play

Scrape Explore And Model To Predict Oscar Winners SciPy 2019 Hanus

crvhyPEZiVw play

Day 1 SciPy Tools Plenary Session SciPy 2019

7deGS4IPAQ0 play

Visualize Any Data Easily From Notebooks To Dashboards Scipy 2019 Tutorial James Bednar

ccA6ghSW1Iw play

Complexity Science Scipy 2019 Tutorial Allen Downey

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Testing Your Python Code With PyTest Scipy 2019 Tutorial John Leeman Ryan May

ujo9sbqHFqw play

Bringing Python Data Science To Your Shell Scipy 2019 Tutorial G Forsyth A Scopatz

v62k4Ok1S8g play

How To Visually Explore Compare Share Large Quant Datasets HiGlass

-X0BiV9n_fQ play

Bayesian Statistics Made Simple Scipy 2019 Tutorial Allen Downey

SjKcIR4C2Do play

Freya Ridings Performs Castles In Acoustic Session At Glastonbury 2019

AnYjArI2xUM play

Day 1 Lightning Talks SciPy 2019

qyJXBlrdzBs play

Scalable Storage Of Tensor Data For Use In Parallel And Distributed Computing SciPy 2019

dBTJD_FDVjU play

Inside NumPy Preparing For The Next Decade SciPy 2019 Gommers Picus Reddy

L9r23bXDoEs play

Visualization Of Bioinformatics Data With Dash Bio SciPy 2019 Shammamah Hossain

YLHNobRT5uU play

Data Analysis Tools For The James Webb Space Telescope Confluence Of Academia NASA

RFabWieskak play

Getting Started With JupyterLab SciPy 2019 Tutorial M Bussonnier J Grout S Stattel