jQdqFZ_WeSY play

Egoismus: frech gewinnt, brav verliert Dokumentation

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Mythos Maschinenbaustudium: Dem Ingenieur ist nichts zu schwer Dokumentation

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Das perfekte Geschenk - Die Quiz Show Video

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Foto-Adventskalender und der brave Peter Video

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Build a Neural Net in 4 Minutes Video

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GOTO 2017 • Beyond Developer • Dan North Tech Talk

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R80 Enhances Efficiency at the University of Kansas Video

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Stealing Time | SciFi Time Travel Short Film Video

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The Gunfighter Video

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Kevin Markham | Machine Learning with Text in scikit learn Tech Talk

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H2O - Hands on with R, Python and Flow with Amy Wang Tech Talk

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BBC - Hyper Evolution - Rise Of The Robots Documentary

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Bernie Krause with George Martin, BBC excerpt Documentary

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Entretien avec Bernie Krause - Le Grand Orchestre des Animaux - 2016 Video

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How to hack your biology and be in the zone every single day TED Talk

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Stop using Nagios - Andy Sykes Tech Talk

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Taylor Otwell — Laravel: A Guided Tour — php 2014 Tech Talk

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NEW YORK CITY - Reiseführer Dokumentation

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Patagonien: Land des Windes und des Feuers - Auf legendären Routen Dokumentation

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Wilde Türkei 1/2 - Vom Bosporus zum Mittelmeer Dokumentation

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Wildes Neuseeland - Fjorde und Regenwälder Dokumentation

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The Simple Cure for Loneliness | Baya Voce TED Talk

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Wunder der Evolution - Entwicklung der Tierarten Dokumentation