qLSt4VtmT5M play

Money, happiness and eternal life - Greed Documentary

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Being black and German Documentary

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Sand - a dwindling resource Documentary

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By train across Sri Lanka Documentary

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Paradise Papers: Tycoon made $41m Documentary

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This Company Is Using Bitcoin's Tech To Prevent Foodborne Illness Documentary

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The Tech That Powers Bitcoin Could Tackle Corruption Video

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Explore The Science Of Metals Documentary

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Cybertopia - Dreams of Silicon Valley Documentary

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The End of Ownership Documentary

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Quants - The Alchemists of Wall Street Documentary

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Kiribati: a drowning paradise in the South Pacific Documentary

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The rise of vertical farming Documentary

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How The 80's Changed us Documentary

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Saint Helena - a remote island in the Atlantic Documentary

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Plastic and profit in China – Bulkland Dokumentation

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World in 2017: Cities of Tomorrow Need to be Smart, but also Global to Survive Tech Talk

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Noam Chomsky & Yannis Varoufakis on U.S. and EU Economic Collapses Tech Talk

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ormer Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis on Catalonia Interview

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Steuern sparen wie Großkonzerne - ein Experiment Dokumentation

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Hacking Germany – computers, cyberattacks and the future Documentary

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Paradise Papers - Zocker, Trickser, Milliardäre Dokumentation

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Everything is Connected -- Here's How: | Tom Chi TED Talk

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Nick Chavez Model Stephanie Video