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Paradise Papers: Secrets of the Global Elite Documentary

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Paradise Papers: Tax haven secrets of ultra-rich exposed - BBC News Documentary

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What are the Paradise Papers Documentary

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Paradise Papers: How tax havens work and why they are a problem Documentary

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ParadisePapers Video

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Tesla Model 3 launch event in 5 minutes Video

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Ubuntu 17.10: What's New? Video

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Artificial Intelligence and High School Students Video

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Mob Programming: A Whole Team Approach • Woody Zuill Tech Talk

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Secrets of High Performing Teams: Science Edition • Jez Humble Tech Talk

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Pirates of Silicon Valley Documentary

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Project Code Rush - The Beginnings of Netscape Documentary

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Podfather - Robert Noyce and the Rise of Silicon Valley Documentary

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Discovery The True Story of the Internet Documentary

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History of Personal Computers Part 2 Documentary

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Thinking in Symbols for Universal Design - Benjamin Wilkins, Airbnb Tech Talk

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IBM System 360 Mainframe Computer History Archives 1964 Documentary

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History of Personal Computers Documentary

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From Enigma to ENIAC and the UNIVAC Documentary

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The Computer Chronicles - Losing Memory 1995 Documentary

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Computer Chronicles: Home PCs Documentary

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Introducing Sperry Univac System 80 Computer Documentary

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IBM 705 Mainframe Computer - 1957 Documentary

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ENIAC Computer History Archives Project - remastered original 1946 Film Documentary