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Ghost Digital Music - Deep Melodic Kits Volume 01 Video

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Modern Nu Disco Construction Kits Video

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SYNTHWAVE - Spire Presets, MIDI, Construction Kits Video

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Spire Trance Essentials Vol.2 Video

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Stream All Things - Patterns of Modern Data Integration • Gwen Shapira Tech Talk

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Cgroups, namespaces, and beyond: what are containers made from Tech Talk

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Understanding the Difference Between Virtualization and Containers Tech Talk

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The JVM and Docker Tech Talk

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No One Puts Java in the Container - Ken Sipe, Mesosphere Tech Talk

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Container Orchestration Wars Tech Talk

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Reactive Microservices with Vert.x by Edson Yanaga and Burr Sutter Tech Talk

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Reactive Microservices on the JVM with Vert.x by Burr Sutter Tech Talk

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10 Tips for failing badly at Microservices by David Schmitz Tech Talk

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10 tips to become an awesome Technical Lead by Bart Blommaerts Tech Talk

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Rethinking Microservices with Stateful Streams by Ben Stopford Tech Talk

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Lessons learned form Kafka in production Tim Berglund Tech Talk

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Tom Hiddleston And Brie Larson's PDA At Kong Skull Island Premiere In London Video

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Python Django Tutorial - Build A Todo App Tutorial

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How the Internet works Tech Talk

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Blasting React Into Space: Building Fluid Interfaces With React and WebGL Tech Talk

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Has The Age Of Quantum Computing Finally Arrived? Tech Talk

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A hands-on introduction to Python for beginning programmers Tech Talk

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Python Crash Course For Beginners Tutorial

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Nicholas Ormrod Fantastic Algorithms and Where To Find Them Tech Talk