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The Long, Twisty Road to Automation: Implementing Puppet at the University of Saskatchewan Tech Talk

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Testing and Delivering Puppet – Michael Stahnke at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk

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Don’t Be Scared Of Functional Programming Tech Talk

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Deconfiguration Management: Making Puppet Clean Up Its Own Mess – Josh Snyder Tech Talk

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Up and Running With Puppet Enterprise in 45 Minutes or Less Tech Talk

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How You Actually Get Hacked – Ben Hughes at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk

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Architecting and performance-tuning efficient Gluster storage pools Tech Talk

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Grafana: Open Source Metrics Dashboard Tech Talk

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Package Managers all the way down Tech Talk

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Prometheus: Design and Philosophy - why it is the way it is Tech Talk

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OSMC 2014: MonitoringLove with Sensu | Jochen Lillich Tech Talk

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Infrastructure and application monitoring using Prometheus by Marco Pas Tech Talk

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Bristol DevOps - WTF is Sensu - A DevOps guide to monitoring Tech Talk

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Puppet + Sensu = Infrastructure as Code Tech Talk

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High Availability for Puppet – Zack Smith & Russ Mull at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk

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What every Node.js developer needs to know about Elixir - Bryan Hunter Tech Talk

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Puppet Design Patterns: Lessons From the Gang of Four – David Danzilio at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk

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Successful Puppet Implementation in Large Organizations – James Sweeny at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk

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The Future of Testing Puppet Code – Gareth Rushgrove at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk

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Puppet and vRealize Automation: The Next Generation – Ganesh Subramaniam Tech Talk

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OSDC 2016 - Introduction to Testing Puppet Modules by David Schmitt Tech Talk

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Puppet Templates – Sally Lehman at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk

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Multi-Tenant Puppet at Scale – John Jawed at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk

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A Year in Open Source Automated Compliance With Puppet – Trevor Vaughan at PuppetConf 2016 Tech Talk