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From Website to Progressive Web App Tech Talk

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Australia 8k HDR | Down Under 4k HDR Video

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Broadpwn: Remotely Compromising Android and iOS via a Bug in Broadcom's Wi-Fi Chipsets Tech Talk

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Expensive wine is for suckers Video

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Japanese men locked in their bedrooms for years Documentary

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Mystery Of The Missing Million Documentary

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Residents living permanently in Japan's cyber-cafés - Lost in Manboo Video

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Artificial womb could allow babies to develop outside the mother’s uterus Video

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Machine Makes Planting a Breeze Innovation Farm

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These College Students Built a Hyperloop Pod Video

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The Permafrost Mystery: scientists explore giant Yamal Sinkhole Documentary

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Watch this robot draw blood from a patient Video

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How Practical It Is To Live On Bitcoin In 2017 | CNBC Video

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Using Artificial Intelligence AI to Reprogram Human Genome Tech Talk

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Machine Learning - War Prediction Algorithms Video

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Ray Kurzweil | The Future of Artificial Intelligence & Biological Intelligence Tech Talk

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Weiterbildung – warum eigentlich Video

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John McAfee on BITCOIN 2017 Tech Talk

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Bitcoin Documentary by Discovery Channel Documentary

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Why Blockchain Matters More Than You Think Video

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Richard Dawkins: Not Genetics or A.I, Humans Will Improve by Natural Adaptation Tech Talk

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John McAfee: Pandora's box has been opene Tech Talk

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Living on Bitcoin for a Week Documentary