16slh29iN1g play

BPF performance analysis at Netflix AWS 2019

KP_bKvXkoC4 play

Why did Netflix use NGINX and FreeBSD

XV5VGddmP24 play

Machine Learning Infrastructure Netflix

0QS1TWLooo0 play

A day in the life of a Netflix engineer AWS

nMyuCdqzpZc play

Delivering High Quality Analytics at Netflix Netflix Data

6NWIfiV1_XQ play

Cults Explained Netflix

1jt4TalGMbg play

Pandemic How to Prevent An Outbreak Netflix Local Doctor Interview

nUcO7n4hek4 play

The Evolution of Reddit Architecture

5cqwAndU3Uw play


H8Ng2CBxruc play


U12RZ3PIO9A play

Corona Extra Schweden

LDYq-K30Qdo play

Optimizing Spark

Wj5LQ7aIKbk play

Der globale Drogenkrieg Doku | ARTE

h0xTKxbIElU play

Microorganisms Size Comparison

uXGeO3t182o play

30 MIN ABS No Equipment I Pamela Reif

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Coronavirus heute-show

G30K5wm7j_M play

Lessons learned building the Invoice Ninja Flutter app Hillel Coren Flutter Europe

gxAaO2rsdIs play

Simulating an epidemic 3Blue1Brown

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Message to those who are walking on the streets Hide the Pain Harold

_p9n3re0VwM play

One minute stories Hide the Pain Harold

3OBf4LGVpMI play

Coordinated Concurrency Reactive Observables vs CSP Ivan Plyusnin

gSqIwXl6IjQ play

Mathematics of the Corona outbreak with professor Tom Britton

PXwStduNw14 play

Mathematics is the sense you never knew you had Eddie Woo | TEDxSydney

zd1wL_8A4Us play

Coronavirus Symptoms TODAY