1ffBJ4sVUb4 play

Git For Ages 4 And Up Tech Talk

iFkRt3BCctg play

Advanced Machine Learning with scikit-learn Tech Talk

DleXA5ADG78 play

Brains Sex and Machine Learning Tech Talk GoogleTechTalks

S2GAz5F03Ls play

Pieter Abbeel - Machine Learning and Optimization for Robotics Tech Talk

a79klpzaPgY play

Bayesian Optimization for Machine Learning and Science Tech Talk CRCS Lunch Seminar

i5NPFdNEnkY play

Algorithms among us - machine learning and society Tech Talk with Dr Michael Osborne

4mu6Y3IrNh8 play

Keynote - John Donovan from AT&T Tech Talk Linux Foundation Events

UrFMscEwgWk play

Keynote - Omar Baldonado Tech Talk

K5miMbqYB4E play

Reverse Engineering the MOS 6502 CPU Tech Talk

gTeDX4yAdyU play

Machine Code - Richard Buckland UNSW Tech Talk

hgcNM-6wr34 play

x86 Internals for Fun & Profit - Matt Godbolt Tech Talk GOTO 2014

Ojsn11XY0X8 play

James Mallison - Dependency Injection and Dependency Inversion in PHP Tech Talk PHPNW15

hJ2o4QgpIU4 play

Thijs Feryn - Getting things done with ElasticSearch Tech Talk PHPNW15

UExBlWXRk-Y play

Console BOSCH NYON 2016 Ebike

l3xC-g8JKfg play

How to shape data before uploading it to Watson Analytics Tech talk

KzFe4T0PwQ8 play

Apache Spark vs. MapReduce Tech talk WhiteboardWalkthrough

GkQpUZNaYT8 play

Why MapR? John Schroeder MapR CEO Tech talk

4lUxf5pzAHs play

Key Requirements for Streaming Platforms A Micro-Services Advantage - Whiteboard Walkthrough

A1YxNYiyALg play

Making Humans a Multiplanetary Species Tech talk

4V1V7aToJR0 play


BtkEjcWtRrk play

Introducing the New Python Integration Toolkit for LabVIEW from Enthought Webinar Workshop Talk

u2yHytCrTxw play

Vaxxed From Cover Up to Catastrophe Documentary

np0mPy-EHII play

SyScan'15 Singapore Stegosploit - Hacking with Pictures Tech Talk

m3NJ-Ow2Lvg play

Bruce Schneier Liars and Outliers - Talks at Google Tech talk