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An Integration of Man and Machine Neurotech

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MorphoWave Access control with a wave of the hand

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Elevated bus debuts at Beijing International High-Tech Expo CCTV News

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Steelers Experimenting with Robot Tackling Dummies NFL

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Two Companies Are Attempting To Bring Brain-Dead Patients Back To Life

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NEO Robot The adorable video by Intel imagines the robot's first day at work

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NAO Next Gen the new robot of Aldebaran Robotics

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NAO is bored Funny

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When your phone is more important than your Relationship Full Movie

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Love Me Harder Ariana Grande, The Weeknd cover

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Zayn Pillowtalk (Sofia Karlberg Cover)

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Battle of the Giants: Solr vs ElasticSearch Rafał Kuć

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Mapreduced a Neo store Creating large Neo4j Databases with Hadoop Kris Geusebroek

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Cassandra By Example Data modeling with CQL3 Eric Evans

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Testing Lucene and Solr with various JVMs Uwe Schindler

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Schweiß und Deo Warum schwitzen wir Janina Otto beim #45 Science Slam Berlin

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How oranges are grown harvested and shipped by Curiosity Quest

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