P9665TmwAX8 play

Surf girl performs gnarly acrobatics on top of her hunky partner mid-surf

H2vN2QXZGnc play

Mathematics and sex Clio Cresswell TEDxSydney

Hug0rfFC_L8 play

The Ultimate Conspiracy Debunker Kurz Gesagt - In a Nutshell

fTTGALaRZoc play

Banking Explained Money and Credit

sNhhvQGsMEc play

The Fermi Paradox Where Are All The Aliens

1fQkVqno-uI play

The Fermi Paradox II Solutions and Ideas

ev5vx6Zb95I play

Pregnant Girlfriend Prank Backfires

LFov5EhhxTw play

Obama in Bavaria Gruess Gott

XyR_wzv1rSs play

Pangea App TechCrunch Disrupt New York Vlad Iuhas, Radu Iuhas, Sebastian Presecan

KjGVlxiWvLk play

The Martian Official Teaser Trailer

2p7bgMxewxA play

The Martian Official Teaser Trailer

CYjqFeX2w-A play

Die Milchrebellen WDR Doku

O7x3LBWn-Ao play

Mathematical patterns in nature Fibonacci numbers

E1oZhEIrer4 play

Nobody Tells This To Beginners Video

_luhn7TLfWU play

MIT cheetah robot lands the running jump

iZFuP2LVp5M play

Plankton Chronicles Christian Sardet

ivoSHtOoHuo play

Plankton Chronicles Ctenophores

HrDxuTgP2Fc play

Tara Méditerranée 2014 Christian Sardet

fB1e2e0tmTo play

A hybrid of 9-quines is not biological immortal

joXT73Ox7_E play

A neuron which replicates in the same time as doing computations

1xSm-Y4PqZQ play

RT U1K Robot Fight Preliminary League B

M08VTM9D_HQ play

RT U1K Robot Fight Final League Game

4C5EGXqgx8s play

Documenting the ocean with underwater Street View

PyxlzcDkqD0 play

Tiny robots work together to pick up and move an entire CAR