eORwAozITwI play

Why democracies fail -- and why that’s okay | Sheri Berman TED Talk

TABVtTnBQA8 play

Why democracy is failing | Paddy Ashdown TED Talk

gn4bvjMh4vc play

A Theory You've Never Heard Of | Michael Robinson TED Talk

RrFSO62p0jk play

The real truth about the 2008 financial crisis | Brian S. Wesbury TED Talk

dRw4d2Si8LA play

AI & The Future of Work | Volker Hirsch TED Talk

u6oTg5oRH24 play

Gordon Skinner - Hexagonal Architecture in DDD Tech Talk

58GClwGAENw play

Marcello Duarte - Learn Design Then Test Drive Tech Talk

fgQWnglnGeU play

SymfonyLive London 2015 - Matthias Noback Tech Talk

Nsjsiz2A9mg play

Robert C Martin - Clean Architecture and Design Tech Talk

K1EJBmwg9EQ play

Matthias Noback - Hexagonal Architecture Tech Talk

AKwfVAKaigI play

Build an AI Reader - Machine Learning for Hackers Tech Talk

Emn8xHEjNMw play

Emerging Tech Virtual Summit 2016 The Next Generation of AI Chatbots & Cognitive Services Video

DVlel_XA6EI play

Ohne Schnee keine Einnahmen Dokumentation

bFC0q-J3kbQ play

Die groessten Projekte der Welt Dokumentation

WBsdTIs3g5c play

Amoklauf gegen die Natur - Verbrechen im Namen des Klimaschutzes Dokumentation

ZXZ-i5-kIQU play

Die Eroberung der Alpen Dokumentation

rnqQaFf1hiM play

ADHD - approach with science: Tracey Sweetapple TED Talk

rS7oQEI7JE8 play

Reverse Burnout - By Dr. Gaby Cora Tech Talk

mYpk1HxEMJY play

Alfie Kohn interview Tech Talk

b4c86SDW7FQ play

Alfie Kohn - Education and Competition Tech Talk

cBg_jtCnXiQ play

Alfie Kohn at NTAC 2011 Tech Talk

neVNnJ_yS0E play

F-18.Hornet Documentary

DGXTZxMMflM play

nside Fukushima’s Radioactive Ghost Towns Video

5t6x7SekDVw play

Heatless Wavy Hair Video