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Developer Week 2016 - Eröffnungskeynote: Managing for Happiness by Jurgen Appelo Tech Talk

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Philipp Bojen von der Süddeutschen Zeitung über Searchmetrics Tech Talk

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Intro to Patent Law - Jeff Schox // Startup Elements Tech Talk

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When Free Software Isn't Better - Benjamin Mako Hill Tech Talk

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The Danger of Software Patents - Richard Stallman Tech Talk

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How this guy accidentally revealed Steve Jobs' big secret Video

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Suing Apple Tech Talk

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The Patent Scam Intro Tech Talk

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Austin Meyer of X-Plane Fights Patent Troll & Wins Tech Talk

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How Patent Trolls Kill Innovation Tech Talk

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Patents: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver HBO Video

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Prometheus: A Next Generation Monitoring System - Fabian Reinartz Tech Talk

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Drew Curtis: How I beat a patent troll TED Talk

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Building the Next Generation of Apps with IBM Watson Tech Talk

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Der kleinste Luftkurort der Schweiz - in der eigenen Stube Interview

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A Tribute to Euler - William Dunham Tech Talk

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Math Encounters -- On the Shoulders of Giants: Newton Revealed Tech Talk

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High Performance Fast Computing Challenge Video

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The Three Amigos- Oh great! .... real bullets Video

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Larry Wall: Computer Programming in 5 Minutes video

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Robotics from DARPA Robotics Head Gil Pratt Tech Talk

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Bob Martin SOLID Principles of Object Oriented and Agile Design Tech Talk

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Anjana Vakil: Learning Functional Programming with JavaScript - JSUnconf 2016 Tech Talk

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Angelina Fabbro: JavaScript Masterclass Tech Talk