nT-TGvYOBpI play

Cybersecurity as Realpolitik by Dan Geer presented at Black Hat USA 2014 Tech Talk

N0p3_ES2dBU play

Hacking the Wireless World with Software Defined Radio Tech Talk

xvVIZ4OyGnQ play

Black Hat USA 2013 Keynote - Gen. Alexander Tech Talk

BLGFriOKz6U play

Behind the Scenes of iOS Security Tech Talk

9KsnFWejpQg play

ARMageddon: How Your Smartphone CPU Breaks Software-Level Security and Privacy Tech Talk

nuruzFqMgIw play

BadUSB - On Accessories that Turn Evil by Karsten Nohl + Jakob Lell Tech Talk

w04ZAXftQ_Y play

Lessons from Surviving a 300Gbps Denial of Service Attack Tech Talk

RAGwol-keXM play

The Hidden Architecture of our Time: Why This Internet Worked Tech Talk

36Ykla27FIo play

The Linux Kernel Hidden Inside Windows 10 Tech Talk

IrTrBNmMXG0 play

Einstein’s Persistence, Not Genius, Is the Reason We Know His Name | David Bodanis Interview

XOET9n8wnmo play

Sam Harris: Can Psychedelics Help You Expand Your Mind Interview

W_xTG6VXlIQ play

A Genetic Odyssey Documentary

0TjTGn7OtVk play

America Before Columbus Documentary

yRvbEoHHx4M play

The Illusion of Time, Quantum Theory Documentary

ULUfWhNHCSs play

The Theory of Parallel Universe Documentary

S-4Yu3pB_dk play

Easy Explanation of Quantum Theory Documentary

y5NkmdrPQQA play

Entropy, Order and Disorder Energy Documentary

eN4TR8xXmM0 play

Microscopic Universe, Quantum mechanics Documentary

Yvs7f4UaKLo play

The last job on Earth Video

hrvgsk8eX24 play

Nuclear weapons Documentary

5WiDIhIkPoM play

Mark Zuckerberg: Building the Facebook Empire Documentary

ivQnqnmdG2M play

The Great Math Mystery Documentary

qAbkCo1WhIo play

Secrets Of The Dead Documentary

jlv4sSYzuMI play

The origins of Man as narrated by Morgan Freeman Documentary