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Why no one cares about Syria | Barry Andrews | TEDxUCD TED Talk

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The science of analyzing conversations, second by second | Elizabeth Stokoe | TEDxBermuda TED Talk

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The rarest commodity is leadership without ego: Bob Davids at TEDxESCP TED Talk

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The skill of self confidence | Dr. Ivan Joseph | TEDxRyersonU TED Talk

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Emotional Intelligence: Using the Laws of Attraction | D. Ivan Young | TEDxLSCTomball TED Talk

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Awestruck: Surprising facts about why we fall for charismatic leaders | Jochen Menges | TEDxUHasselt TED Talk

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Let's face it: charisma matters | John Antonakis | TEDxLausanne TED Talk

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When genius and insanity hold hands | Ondi Timoner | TEDxKC TED Talk

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Body language, the power is in the palm of your hands | Allan Pease | TEDxMacquarieUniversity TED Talk

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Your personality and your brain | Scott Schwefel | TEDxBrookings TED Talk

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How to spot a leader in their handwriting | Jamie Mason Cohen | TEDxUBIWiltz TED Talk

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Graphology or Handwriting Analysis Tech Talk

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You are what you wear: Christina Dean at TEDxHKBU TED Talk

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In your face: David Perrett at TEDxGhent TED Talk

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How to know if you're smart Video

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Your Face Could Show How Smart You Really Are Tech Talk

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Profile Pictures - Science of Attraction Documentary

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The Halo Effect - Science of Attraction Documentary

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The Psychology of Love Tech Talk

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The Psychology of Doing Nothing - Professor Helga Drummond Tech Talk

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Cheats, Liars and Fornicators: The Hidden Face of Mother Nature - Professor Steve Jones Tech Talk

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The First Stars - Professor Joseph Silk Tech Talk

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The First Three Minutes of Creation - Professor Joseph Silk FRS Tech Talk

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The Next Big Questions in Astronomy - Professor Carolin Crawford Tech Talk