W-WihPoEbR4 play

Mongodb Tutorial for Beginners Tech talk

yFPYGeKwmpk play

OpenShift 3 Walkthrough Webinar Workshop Talk

BPf22nRVy2I play

FAST FOOD The Fast Lane of Life Documentary

ONXNKacNU_4 play

The Truth about Sugar - BBC Production Documentary

eO3cIrNEuIc play

The War on Wheat - the fifth estate Documentary

_W8vJzlW6t8 play

The Power of YouTube Video Advertising Video

-Osa9YIl6R0 play

How I Made My Mind My Bitch Tech talk

dF_ObGgzGE8 play

Reusable Components in Angular Tech talk

Hr4IKlr9mhg play

Animations - Matias Niemela Tech talk

9iYztCnfh7I play

Hedy Lamarr Movie star, inventor of WiFi Documentary

9xeHoXsBsSs play

Quantifying Journalism Tech talk

13JGGbB2ctM play

Future Humanoid Robots - From Fiction to Reality Documentary

1vZYvAcU8hY play

Industry 4.0 -- from vision to implementation Tech talk

Udlz7CMLuLQ play

Epigenetic transformation - you are what your grandparents ate: Pamela Peeke TED Talk

2G-yUuiqIZ0 play

How Are GMOs Created Video

BA60BScgmzw play

Laura Dekker - Youngest Circumnavigator to Sail Alone Around the World Tech talk

tfAhTtBlb2Q play

Jeff Bezos Revealed: Building Amazon One Box at a Time Documentary

b-DWMxh-QJc play

Why Are Apple's Sales Slowing Documentary

mROkeSbX-_I play

Death of Popular Facebook Game FarmVille creator Zynga loses $400million Dollars Documentary

6UhrIEUjtwI play

Amazon's Retail Revolution Business Boomers Documentary

3kYujfDgmNk play

Machine learning - Random forests Tech talk

UzxYlbK2c7E play

Machine Learning Stanford Tech talk

VNIn6a_VCfA play

Länder, Menschen, Abenteuer - Weissrussland Dokumentation

4ACdVsFpXTo play

Industrie der Zukunft - Hannover Messe Dokumentation