x6Xog5HyIY8 play

Eric Schmidt of Google talks at Princeton about the future of technology

vpsA4iZ5BdY play

Real-time lane detection and tracking in embedded systems

z1Cvn3_4yGo play

Traffic counting based on OpenCV Cars

4i3yDNEpwro play

Urban Traffic Monitoring Cars

JmxDIuCIIcg play

Lane tracking and vehicle tracking Cars

VlH3OEhZnow play

Curved Lane Detection Cars

JJ3T1Bpz2Zk play

Signal Detection Cars

Ni9nAm-Thsw play

Road Marking and Lane Detection Cars

E2evC2xTNWg play

The Breakfast Machine Fail

nHdZ0PQFHnE play

EmDrive video

Wokn7crjBbA play

Eagleworks Laboratories Advanced Propulsion

_VPvKl6ezyc play

HelloJetman Emirates

cbfRaK2yQJ0 play

The Felix Baumgartner's Cat jump from 24 miles up in Space

ctDL5HGYM6k play

Cat Falls Out of the Ceiling video

maMvbwXax7k play

Customer Analytics with SPSS Modeler video

AYlqvBMW04E play

IBM SPSS Modeler How to build a predictive model

GG8Bkd-uTHs play

Collision 2015 Enterprise Stage Stuart Frankel, Amanda Kahlow

F4v2CMbhZM0 play

Predict Success Before You Hire with Sales Indicator Thomas Haymore

mngxLlb9qY8 play

MIT Big Data Initiatives and Research Sam Madden

ftnurUXDQag play

Binary Heaps Algorithms Robert Sedgewick Princeton University

s6nQiFF_W-0 play

What's New in PhpStorm 10 JetBrainsTV

vrO3TfJc9Qw play

Do It For Denmark Spies Rejser

B00grl3K01g play

Do it for Denmark 2 Spies Rejser

HlTP-BuaZ8w play

Inflatable Halloween pumpkin Flying