vOif7PXPufc play

The worst rally corner ever F-Cup Pirkanhovi Rally 2004

P9665TmwAX8 play

Surf girl performs gnarly acrobatics on top of her hunky partner mid-surf

H2vN2QXZGnc play

Mathematics and sex Clio Cresswell TEDxSydney

Hug0rfFC_L8 play

The Ultimate Conspiracy Debunker Kurz Gesagt - In a Nutshell

fTTGALaRZoc play

Banking Explained Money and Credit

sNhhvQGsMEc play

The Fermi Paradox Where Are All The Aliens

1fQkVqno-uI play

The Fermi Paradox II Solutions and Ideas

ev5vx6Zb95I play

Pregnant Girlfriend Prank Backfires

LFov5EhhxTw play

Obama in Bavaria Gruess Gott

XyR_wzv1rSs play

Pangea App TechCrunch Disrupt New York Vlad Iuhas, Radu Iuhas, Sebastian Presecan

KjGVlxiWvLk play

The Martian Official Teaser Trailer

2p7bgMxewxA play

The Martian Official Teaser Trailer

CYjqFeX2w-A play

Die Milchrebellen WDR Doku

O7x3LBWn-Ao play

Mathematical patterns in nature Fibonacci numbers

E1oZhEIrer4 play

Nobody Tells This To Beginners Video

_luhn7TLfWU play

MIT cheetah robot lands the running jump

iZFuP2LVp5M play

Plankton Chronicles Christian Sardet

ivoSHtOoHuo play

Plankton Chronicles Ctenophores

HrDxuTgP2Fc play

Tara Méditerranée 2014 Christian Sardet

fB1e2e0tmTo play

A hybrid of 9-quines is not biological immortal

joXT73Ox7_E play

A neuron which replicates in the same time as doing computations

1xSm-Y4PqZQ play

RT U1K Robot Fight Preliminary League B

M08VTM9D_HQ play

RT U1K Robot Fight Final League Game

4C5EGXqgx8s play

Documenting the ocean with underwater Street View