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Physicist Danielle Bassett 2014 MacArthur Fellow

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Jacob Lurie 2014 MacArthur Fellow

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Daniel Spielman Spectral Sparsification of Graphs and Approximations of Matrices

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Computer Scientist Daniel Spielman 2012 MacArthur Fellow

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Clinton Gormley Scaling real time search and analytics with Elasticsearch

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ElasticSearch in Production lessons learned

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Nie wieder Fleisch ARTE HD Dokumentation 27.03.2012

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What is Hadoop BigData

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Intro to HDFS Hadoop Tutorial

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The Data Scientist's Dream Hadoop

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Just the Basics for Big Data Rookies Hadoop

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REST-Ful API Design SpringDeveloper

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a.tv Nachrichten Freitag, 20. Februar

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Can GMOs end world hunger by 2030 Bill Gates