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Synthetic Biology and the Future of Creation Tech talk

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Diamonds are a quantum computer’s best friend Tech talk

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Eric Ladizinsky - Evolving Scalable Quantum Computers Tech talk

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D-Wave lecture by Geordie Rose Tech talk

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Programming a new reality | Neil Gershenfeld TED Talk

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GOLDEN RATIO - Dan Winter Video

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The genius of Mendeleev's periodic table - Lou Serico Video

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Albert Einstein and Birth of the God's Equation Documentary

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When Journalism Meets Technology - Joshua Benton Tech talk

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Panama Papers Explained Documentary

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Panama Papers - Debate with Yanis Varoufakis Video Talk

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Sharia law in Dubai Alicia Gali story Part 2 of 2 Documentary

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Sharia law in Dubai Alicia Gali story Part 1 of 2 Documentary

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Über den Wert unserer Daten Tech talk

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What if my neighbor's kid was genetically modified TED Talk

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A Brilliant Madness - A Genius Descends into Madness Documentary

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What Are You Video

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The Most Luxurious Trains in America - Documentary Films Documentary

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The Supersized Grocery Store | Supermarket Documentary - NatGeo TV Documentary

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BBC Order And Disorder Episode 1 Energy Documentary

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Visionary Automaker Preston Tucker Documentary

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Henry Ford - The Most Influential American Innovator of the 20th Century Documentary

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The Coca Cola History Documentary Documentary