erSYwPhxgyk play

2012 Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy-Reflection on Making Social Policies Tech talk

fcGfvWSXEHA play

Michael Schmitt - International Law and the Use of Force Tech talk

-5l3g91NZfQ play

Peter Prettenhofer - Gradient Boosted Regression Trees in scikit-learn Tech talk

CjYz7z0usMo play

Sparse models and variable selection Tech talk

HJCczbSF-B8 play

Eben Moglen on Facebook, Google and Government Surveillance Tech talk

0uBOtQOO70Y play

Will Ferrell and Chad Smith Drum-Off Video

xmvEGS5Xbpg play

Machine Learning Tutorials for Beginners Tech talk

IpGxLWOIZy4 play

A Friendly Introduction to Machine Learning Tech talk

wjTJVhmu1JM play

Machine Learning - The Basics, with Ron Bekkerman Tech talk

kSoO2KjVVG4 play

Tony Robbins 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom - Lewis Howes Tech talk

E8rOVwKQ5-8 play

The Five Tribes of Machine Learning Tech talk Pedro Domingos

QaoBXMu_l50 play

Transfer Learning on Tensorflow Tech talk

aWiwDdx_rdo play

Practical Refactoring Tech talk

3KpPBnEtRj4 play

The DevOps Transformation Tech talk

EL6vwvYr-D8 play

Unit Testing PHP Applications - SunshinePHP 2015 Michael Moussa

IyTv_SR2uUo play

GoPro Best of 2015 - The Year in Review Video

tfoCPaQYiPM play

Universum Geheimnisse der Komete Dokumentation

g8yuDuNNpYI play

Wissen aktuell - Magische Moleküle Dokumentation

N72pmsGTYBA play

EVOLUTION des MENSCHEN auf der ERDE 2016 FULL HD Dokumentation

rDlUFZt3C90 play

Die Bausteine des Lebens in den tiefen des Universums Weltall Doku Dokumentation

AjTEpVe6Kts play

Geheimnisse des Weltalls Zeitreisen N24 de Dokumentation

Tx86Hvq_ors play

Schatten der Zukunft - Entdeckung der Aliens - N24 Doku Dokumentation

TmjGljGc8oU play

N24 - Ufos Geheime Akten über unsere Nachbarn aus dem Weltall Dokumentation

W7XyrRmos1w play

Geheimnisse des Weltalls - Planeten in Gefahr Dokumentar