KhAUfqhLakw play

Frequentism and Bayesianism Jake VanderPlas

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IBM Watson How it Works Video

QY07crEFJAk play

King in the Congo King Leopold II of Belgium Documentary

gkjn9bogLSM play

Inside Tesla 5.29.12 - Stamping Video

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Die Frauen der Mafia Dokumentation

HMIBd11Ew-E play

Sizilien - Engel, Mafia und Palazzi Dokumentation

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Vaughan Rowsell Auckland Startup & Tech Meetup 2014

u5jWC89xBzI play

IBM Big Data How it works Video


Big Data and Hadoop Training Video

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A Little Story about Quid Video

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Arbeitswelten 4.0 Wie wir morgen arbeiten und leben

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Industrie 4.0 Video

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Internet der Dinge in 3 Minuten erklärt Video

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Roboterjournalismus in 3 Minuten erklärt Video

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Big Data in 3 Minuten erklärt Video

CEfTrROi9ms play

Evolution of Musical Features Video

38wh5Fn4WEs play

Blur studio Facial Animation Pipeline Video

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Deadpool full Blu-Ray press conference Marvel Ryan Reynolds

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Chaos Group Studio Tour: Blur Studio Video

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Blur Studio - Gopher Broke Video

isTsXhkUqrE play

Marlon Nowe Animation Reel 2003-2007 Video

mz4_TwdaYeI play

GMO controversies science vs. public fear: Borut Bohanec at TEDxLjubljana

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Genetically Modified Organism Myths and Truths

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GMO Food Scary experiment and YOU are the lab rat