9odY9Rh5kTQ play

Modularity and Packaging for Angular2 Applications Pawel Kozlowski

MtoHFDfi8FM play

Full Stack Angular 2 Jeff Whelpley and Patrick Stapleton

txM7E_34-LQ play

Entity Framework Code Only in servicebasierten Anwendungen Webinar Workshop Talk

8qg4p3Lz_Xg play

Modern authentication solutions with OAuth 2 0 OpenId Connect and AngularJS - Manfred Steyer

z_9hL90fmj4 play

10 Dinge, die Sie beim Erstellen moderner JavaScript-getriebener Webanwendungen wissen sollten Webinar Workshop Talk

-oRBGw-KTZo play

Die Zukunft von NET am Server mit Manfred Steyer Developer Week 2015

bUzhZzg_gEY play

Diode-Resistor Logic VOH, VOL, VIH, VIL Revisited

aUuaWVHhx-U play

Can we make quantum technology work Leo Kouwenhoven TEDxAmsterdam

7sL4Mr5LK08 play

Prospects for Superconducting Qubits David DiVincenzo at Zurich Physics Colloquium

ie3GJyB9YyU play

Quantum computers David DiVincenzo at TEDxEutropolis

VDcWSGNAd9E play

Faithful to Science talk by Andrew Steane

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Power law violation of the area law in quantum spin chains Ramis Movassagh and Peter Shor

q_74oAuMIXw play

Quantum Algorithms Peter Shor


The World from another point of view Richard Feynman

xdZMXWmlp9g play

Photons Corpuscles of Light Richard Feynman on Quantum Mechanics

GqvggMpJgL0 play

Richard Feynman - Fun to Imagine Documentary

Va07q3HFEZQ play

The dark web by Alan Pearce TEDxBrighton

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Angular Auth solutions Manfred Steyer

6fi_r4oMbjU play

Web Performance Optimization Ein detaillierter Überblick - Alois Reitbauer beim MMT 28

7iWRBvN8D2g play

Spring Boot E-POST Eberhard Wolf

8vgcUBLyHXU play

Java Architectures - A New Hope Eberhard Wolff

KMkimzzDWVY play

Testen von Architekturen Peter Zimmerer

jJgPeF9Cioo play

Der ultimative IT-Stammtisch Nicolai Josuttis

b0ZY_1A0pI0 play

Nightschool Kochshow Nicolai Josuttis